Sunday, April 26, 2009

Monash Music Festival

Had a performance in Monash just was... like Jeremy(our bassist) said "premature" ^^...

We are suppose to have 30 minutes slot...But got cut off after our 3rd song and was kind of being 'politely asked to get off the stage' by the emcee...Which sucks...We should have just played like 2 songs and got off the stage before the emcee can announce us off since they were so determined to cut off band performance's time on stage. They should have just give all the band's 15 minutes slot from the beginning...not 30...

Anyway, for me, the performance was just so-so...At least we got to perform our 2nd original song in Monash for the first time.

Just for the sake of putting photos in my posts..
The figure I bought from the 'egg' thingy at Metrojaya at Mid Valley...

Feldt Grace from Gundam 00 Season 1
(Her head-body proportion looks a bit weird because she's 14 in the anime, so, they make her proportion a bit kiddy)

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