Tuesday, September 8, 2009

PG OO Raiser Images

Found these images from Ngee Khiong's blog, where I usually got all the new info on the upcoming Gunpla releases and stuff.

These are images of the soon to be released PG OO Raiser. Images are from the official site.

Are they planning to make the insides of the GN drive to spin as well?

See the details they all planned for this kit? I can't wait!

PG OO Raiser will be out on November this year. The price will be 26,250 yen. That will be around RM990++... Although it is damn expensive...Me want.....


A-FIQSTER said...

MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



IMAN TERGUGAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Ilham Abadi said...

ya lahh teeeekkkkkk...

kumpul duit....kumpul duitt......


chrismandesign said...

whaaaat? dunno what d heck previous comments means XD... this mecha is awesome, i gotta get some bucks to get it... uhmmmm almost U$500 cuz i live far from Japan LOL... care to visit my blog http://chrismandesign.blogspot.com/ there are some good stuff (gunpla included)

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