Saturday, September 5, 2009

Cleaning up

Cleaning up my blog from all those 'emo' posts I wrote lately...

Sik bagus bah..bulan posa tok..^^

Whatever it is, what's done is done. Walaupun hati sakit, gne nak molah nak? Cobaan bulan posa kali...

Read Kak Milah's blog just now, and somehow menimbulkan sedikit sebanyak kesedaran that, in the end, kita berdendam ngan urg..kita dirikpun yg nanggung beban kebencian ya...

I hope I can learn to forget...Mungkin benda tok sbenarnya balasan for something bad i've done... and I'm not especially religious either..I've to become a better person. So many things I've yet to improve.

From the bottom of my heart, I really wish that she'll be happy always. Though I'm still not yet ready to forgive, my temper is a bit calm now and hopefully things will not turn out badly.


SEN said...

that's the spirit..itu macam la..semoga mendapat keberkatan di bulan puasa ini eheh..

Ilham Abadi said...

ahahaha..maseh sen..

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