Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Dying House

Holiday's over.

I still haven't got any card can't put any pics from my camera in my blog...

Now currently I'm staying in this 'dying house'. Since everyone starts moving out... There's no water... The water from the tank is slowly sinking every morning shower...So the term 'dying' seems appropriate somehow. ^^

Okay.. this is outside topic..

One of my friend, i know from when I'm in MMU Melaka has started a new business...a clothing line..A new one i might say, i don't have much info on it myself...

So, do check out Closet 3110 and see what they have to offer..


ASAA said...

hey...i link ur blog to mind..hope u dont mind ya~ :)

QasehNoorLaila said...

kesiannye...byk2 bersabar..nang gia diam negeri urg..sik lamak gik abis blaja nk..all the best..dgn dugaan tok,it'll make u a better person...

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